Click below to view the 2023 Annual Report.

Members Benefits

Check out some of the main benefits available to members in different membership options.

Official Channels

Official ADJogos channels on Discord and Facebook where members have the opportunity to:

  • Exchange production and market information
  • Receive feedback for produced games
  • Receive articles and lectures from the games industry
  • Receive job opportunities
  • Receive partnership opportunities with ADJogos
  • Respond to surveys and reports to evolve actions in our market


Subsidies and aid for participation in renowned events, such as:

  • Gamescom - GAMERS - Development Secretary - 90% discount at the Brazil Games / SEBRAERS stand - 30% on tickets and accommodation;
  • Big Festival - ADJOGOS -20% discount on matchmaking tickets / SBBRAERS - 50% discount on tickets, accommodation and tickets;
  • Gamejam + - Mentor and evaluator of developed games;
  • Universities - Lecture and/or evaluate portfolios and games;


Frees Private Mentoring with partners and collaborators specialized in production and/or market of the most experienced associated companies in the Rio Grande do Sul game industry

Global Games Sebrae Project (Extra Cost)

Possibility of subscription to integration and participation in the Global Games SEBRAE Project, with the following benefits:

  • BIG FESTIVAL - 50% discount on travel tickets, accommodation and entrance tickets for 1 company representative
  • Gamescom - 30% discount on travel tickets for 1 company representative
  • Training - 20h of Private Consultations - with National and International specialists in Game Production and Game Market
  • 8h Face-to-face Workshops with National and International Game Production and Game Market specialists

Last Releases

Relatório Anual do Mercado de Games no Rio Grande do Sul - 2021

Foi divulgado recentemente pela ADJogosRS o relatório anual sobre o mercado de games no Rio Grande do Sul, com resultados do ano de 2021 e projeções para 2022. Seguindo o que 2020 já havia mostrado, ...

ADJogosRS Patrocina Bundle de Jogos de Empresas Brasileiras

ADJogosRS Patrocina Bundle de Jogos de Empresas Gaúchas 21/06/2021          A ADJogosRS lançou neste último mês um patrocínio de apoio à criação de um bundle de jogos desenvolvidos ...

Comitê da Diversidade ADJogosRS

A ADJogosRS orgulhosamente formaliza aqui seu comprometimento na luta contra todos tipos de discriminação e opressão social, estabelecendo a criação de seu Comitê da Diversidade. A intolerância ...

Member Companies

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